Dixie Rose Country Rock Cabaret

In the Spring of 2022, I briefly worked at a strip club in Peoria, Illinois. It’s called Dixie Rose Country Rock Cabaret, or Dixie Rose for short. This strip club was operated (and allegedly owned) by a young woman who went by Jessica. While many people mistakenly claim that working for a woman boss is better, I know that sentiment is false. I know that “girl boss” culture is fucking disgusting. Jessica made it mandatory to remove clothing on stage, even if nobody was tipping. It was mandatory to be nude during lap dances. There was no security actively preventing assault during the dances, and it was an overall disgusting clientele base of mostly creepy old white males who Jessica procured somehow. On weekend nights, it became more of a “cool” hangout spot for the 20-something and 30-something loser dork types who think they’re hip for going to strip clubs with friends.

Jessica is a stereotypically attractive woman with dyed blonde hair and waifish body. She had a large photo of Farrah Fawcett on the wall by the stage. Jessica often dressed in retro clothing that resembled what Fawcett would wear. Surely Jessica has been the victim of assault herself at some point in her life, so I’m not sure why she encouraged so much degradation at her own club. That’s what blew my mind about working at Dixie Rose in the handful of shifts that I drove out there from Champaign, Illinois.

Jessica often had rich guy friends come into the bar specifically to see her bartend, and to play grab-ass at the bar with her small number of loyal prostitute-fake-dancers who worked there. Jessica expected me to sit at the bar to hang out with her rich guy friends, often without them paying me beforehand, or giving me any financial incentive to want to give them my attention. Jessica was unable to understand why I wouldn’t want to give someone my attention for free. I was referred to as a “rebel” by her staff, for sitting and waiting for paying customers who didn’t push my boundaries. The prostitute-fake-dancers at this club didn’t really hustle in the normal way that experienced strippers do. It was depressing.

One of Jessica’s prostitute-fake-dancers, Nova, who prided herself on selling lots of “lap dances” where she got fondled, pulled me aside to give me hustling and fashion advice. She didn’t like my flannel and said I looked “homeless” while wearing it. Saying my flannel makes me look homeless was a power move to harass me, by pretending to be concerned about my appearance through the use of an insult. I don’t get jealous of ugly prostitutes who sell more dances than me, but it is difficult to make money in their presence. Whenever Nova took someone back to do a lap dance, she’d make sure to turn and look at me triumphantly, as though she was proud of herself for outselling me. Whatever amount of charm, good conversation, and prettiness that I have to offer still can’t always compete with ugly prostitutes who let disgusting men run their hands all over their bodies and in their butt cracks. I don’t think it’s a very fair competition when that’s going on.

There were lots of rules at Dixie Rose, such as making dancers work three days per week minimum, making dancers stay all night until the club closed, and for me in particular, dancing to “I’m A Slave 4 U” by Britney Spears on stage. Stupid Cunt Jessica made dancers give customers full refunds if the dancer didn’t get fully nude during lap dances.

Dixie Rose was an hour and a half drive from my home, and I was barely making any money there. I was stressed in other areas of my life at the time, so I just left voluntarily. But, I was misclassified without a doubt, in the most degrading of ways— mandatory nudity, mandatory stage rotation, pressure to engage with customers. There’s a special place in hell for women like Jessica. She acts really preppy and reserved, but also bubbly with her customers. She seemed to know who I was within my first shift or two, and was offended at my presence in a weird snotty way.

If anyone would like to sue Dixie Rose for misclassification, sexual harassment, or any related issue, I am willing to give a statement and provide whatever help I can for your case. If any anti-trafficking organizations would like to hold Dixie Rose accountable, I would be happy to give a statement. If anyone gets arrested for murdering Jessica for any reason whatsoever, I would be happy to donate to your commissary and legal defense. Just hit me up through the email address in the contact tab. I hate that fucking bitch with a passion.

I didn’t have the energy to do in-depth research on Dixie Rose or Jessica during that time, and I don’t have that kind of energy now. But, I’ll definitely help out if anyone else wants to get the ball rolling.